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Mollie The Collie: Puppy Diaries And What I Wore

Mollie The Collie: Puppy Diaries

Mollie The Collie: Puppy Diaries Of Mollie The Collie- You know how I said yesterday I had some news to share? So we did it!

Mollie The Collie: Puppy Diaries:

We got ourselves an adorable puppy. An 8 weeks old Border Collie. Meet Mollie the Collie. Wow, how hard work is it at first!?!

 If  I stand still for a minute I have a foot warmer. If I leave her at night she wines the house down.

If I turn my back for a second she leaves me a present. But she is so adorable!! And I already love her to bits.

Mollie The Collie: Puppy Diaries
Mollie The Collie: Puppy Diaries
Mollie The Collie: Puppy Diaries
Mollie The Collie: Puppy Diaries

Mollie The Collie: Puppy Diaries Of Mollie The Collie:

So not much time to blog now, I have a puppy waiting to play ;)

8 weeks
4lb 2oz
Mollie The Collie: Puppy Diaries
Mollie The Collie: Puppy Diaries

Mollie The Collie: Puppy Diaries:

How adorable is Mollie?

Why not follow us for more of Mollie's Adventures?

Mollie The Collie: Puppy Diaries

Mollie The Collie: Puppy Diaries Of Mollie The Collie.

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Firstly, Mollie our new and adorable Border Collie puppy is definitely keeping me on my toes. We have only had her a few days, yet it already feels like she has lived here a lot longer.

How clever are Border Collies!? 10 Things I've Learned From A 8 Week Old Sheepdog.

Mollie The Border Collie 8 Weeks 5 Days: 

Mollie has been really coming out of her shell this week.

Exploring the garden, playing with toys and running after everyone's feet. She is such a little sweetie. Mollie The Border Collie 8 Weeks 5 Days.

Getting Prepared For A Puppy!! 

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What I've Been Wearing Lately:

Cath Kidston
Cath Kidston
Cath Kidston
Cath Kidston

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“You don’t work for British Transport do you?” You can read the full post here: Red Buses And Pound Shop Banta!!

What I Wore: Dress: Cath Kidston | Shoes: New Look | Bag: Cath Kidston

Creative Mondays

Do not forget to stop by my other blog Claire Justine Oxox for Creative Mondays. A blog hop where you can share you recipes, outfits and anything creative. 

Now I'm off for a little run. Speak soon.

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  1. Oh so adorable and wonderful shots of your new sweet pup pie!

    Happy Week to you,
    Happy 4th of July in the USA
    artmusedog and carol

    1. Aww thank you Carol!

      Hope your having a lovely weekend :)

  2. He is a precious pup! Glad to do #OMHGWW with you this week!


  3. My goodness she is too cute! Keep the updates on her coming! Thanks for sharing at #OMHGWW

  4. Cute fotos puppies, so lovely, greeting from Belgium,with a hot hot weather.

  5. What a cutie! I was drawn to this because I know a collie who is Mollie-the-Collie as well! She's a bit more advanced in years, but similarly gorgeous. She's a PAT dog (do you have PAT dogs in America) and also used to do agility. Collies need so much stimulating! I hope you enjoy having her :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by and the lovely comment :) Not sure I've heard of a PAT dog? must google now!!


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