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Dietitian Jo Travers Reveals What To Eat Over The Festive Season To Beat Tummy Troubles

Dietitian Jo Travers Reveals What To Eat Over The Festive Season To Beat Tummy Troubles, For Love Your Gut

Dietitian Jo Travers Reveals What To Eat Over The Festive Season To Beat Tummy Troubles, For Love Your Gut.

With an abundance of festive feasts and fizz-filled parties. The period through Christmas and New Year is when many of us indulge in larger portions and sweet and salty treats.

However, this can sometimes lead to stomach problems, especially for those with a sensitive gut or digestive issues. 

To help beat tummy woes, dietitian Jo Travers has shared tips on what to eat over the festive season. So, follow Jo’s advice for a happy and healthy Christmas, New Year, and beyond!

Dietitian Jo Travers Reveals What To Eat Over The Festive Season:

Ditch The Spirits:

Alcohol can affect the biodiversity of the gut microbiota, but if you do drink over the festive period, choose red wine over spirits. Beneficial plant compounds in red wine may help to mitigate some of the problems by promoting the growth of useful bacteria. Always drink within the recommended guidelines though!

Snack Healthily:

Nibbles are a common feature at drinks parties but try to go for unsalted nuts over crisps. Nuts have good fats and fibre whereas crisps are pretty low on the fibre front in comparison. The salt content of crisps can also deplete some types of beneficial bacteria in our gut.

Enjoy Fist and Palm Sized Portions:

It can be really tempting to eat large portions, it is a feast after all, but feeling bloated for half of December (and sometimes part of January!) is not fun.

Try to stick to fist-size portions of carbs and palm-size portions of proteins. Make up the rest with veg and you will feel great all the way through and beyond the festive season.

Plant Based Over Pate:

Exchange the pate for houmous or babaganoush. Pate is really high in saturated fat which can have a negative impact on gut microbiota. Plant-based pâtés and spreads not only don’t contain saturated fat, but they also contain fibre which actually improves the microbiota.

Dietitian Jo Travers Reveals What To Eat Over The Festive Season To Beat Tummy Troubles, For Love Your Gut

Guest Post: Dietitian Jo Travers Reveals What To Eat Over The Festive Season To Beat Tummy Troubles, For Love Your Gut.

Love Your Gut is an initiative of Yakult UK Limited, in association with Guts UK, Bowel & Cancer Research, St. Mark’s Hospital Foundation, The IBS Network, Bowel Disease Research Foundation, and the Primary Care Society for Gastroenterology.

A national campaign, Love Your Gut has been raising awareness of the importance of gut health for 21 years through expert tips, recipes, case studies, digestive health news, and more.

For more advice and information including an online Digestive Health Assessment, Food & Symptoms Diary, Recipes, and a Love Your Gut Information Pack, visit LoveYour Gut.

Follow them on Facebook @LoveYourGutOnline and Twitter: @loveyourgut and join the conversation with #LoveYourGut #GutTalk.

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  1. For me... stay far far far away from tree nuts. They rock my gut, and not in a good way.

    On Thanksgiving I had one soft boiled egg for breakfast (grown here from my own chickens), and when I got to the feast, while I had two rounds there, I chose good foods, There was no pate, hummus or babaganoush to consider. I enjoyed my meal, the things I actually like (I don't care much for dessert, so I got a sliver of pumpkin pie, and that was that) and when I got home - I really didn't need another meal, so I didn't eat another one. (I brought potatoes au gratin to the pot luck, probably not the most healthy choice, but not bad, either.)

  2. Thanks for linking up with the Style Six!

  3. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday and come back to see us real soon!
    Miz Helen

  4. I always try to have at least one piece of fruit on Christmas day, such as an apple or satsuma to keep a healthy balance #bloggerclubuk@_karendennis

  5. Thanks for the tips! The struggle is real! LOL

  6. Good tips! Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 8. Pinned.


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