Another Day Another Jumpsuit: Re-wear Style

Another Day Another Jumpsuit: Re-wear Style. Hello friends, how are you today? All is good here.

Another Day Another Jumpsuit

Another Day Another Jumpsuit: Re-wear Style

I love this jumpsuit from last Spring. I remember taking these photos well from last year too. Fun days when we were allowed out anywhere and had no restrictions.

Taking photos in the woods is not an essential part of the day now so I will have to look forward to visiting the woods for an outfit post soon. Hopefully not too long away now. If everyone sticks to the guidelines!!

Another Day Another Jumpsuit

Another Day Another Jumpsuit:

5 In The Stripes: OOTD Creative Mondays Link Up.

The Outfit: What I Wore | Stripy Jumpsuit: Miss Selfridges | Shoes: Shoe Zone

The Full Post:

Here I am getting my stripes on! This is what I wore on Friday, on my day off from work. Also, the Husband had a day off from work so I got an Instagram Husband for the day. It was great!! Just 10 to 15 minutes of his time to drive me to the woods and take some photos.

Do you have an Instagram Husband/Boyfriend/Partner Or Friend? Or do you have to try and take your own photos? I need inspiration as I need to up my Instagram game as I am being left behind!! In The Stripes.

Another Day Another Jumpsuit
A Stripy Jumpsuit
over 40 jumpsuit
Another Day Another Jumpsuit
Another Day Another Jumpsuit
Over 40 style
Another Day Another Jumpsuit
Another Day Another Jumpsuit

Another Day Another Jumpsuit:

So what do you think of this jumpsuit? Do you like this location for photos too?

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  1. This jumpsuit is fantastic, Claire! It looks amazing on you. I think it is okay to venture into the woods for some fresh air still. We need fresh air! I have been trying to go for walks in the woods when I get motivated and the weather permits.


    1. Thanks Shelbee. I am looking forward to going somewhere nice to wear it again :)

  2. I love finding woodsy places to take pictures. That is why I really like my blog pictures today: trees and greenery are just a great backdrop. And good for the soul!

    1. Aww me too. Woods makes a great photo shoot backdrop :)

  3. I love that jumpsuit and location! My husband is good for doing selfies of us because he has long arms! :)

  4. loving this look, such a fun jumpsuit


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