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Work With Me

Work With Me. Hello and welcome to one of my 2 blogs: I have a few blogs. I collect them like I collect shoes!! Ha! : Claire's World:    (This blog) Lifestyle|  Claire Justine Oxox Claire Justine Oxox  is a  Fitness, Food & Lifestyle Blog |  Fashion On A Shoestring: Fashion Blog. I cover most topics so if you have any ideas on how we could work together, please get in touch: Email me with any ideas on how we can work together. I have over 15,000 followers and friends and readers: 760 friends on Facebook 475 likes on facebook page 9,338 followers on Twitter 765 running friends on Dailymile 1,778 on Instagram followers 2,853 Pinterest 1,610 LinkedIn 101 Tumblr Happy to work with you on: Fashion here Claire Justine Style Blog or over at Claire Justine Oxox fashionable and fitness at my lifestyle blog. Food and home over at The food blog: I Wasn't Expecting That. Travel, fashion, food, fitness, family, home.

Out For Breakfast: What I Wore

Out For Breakfast: What I Wore.  Can't beat quality time out with the family. All you can eat breakfast anyone?

Beyond Kale Smoothie Paired With Tuscan

Beyond Kale Smoothie Paired With Tuscan Potatoes with Pork Loin Steaks and Pancetta. Hello, lovelies. So do you fancy making this; Beyond The Kale smoothie?  Kale, apple juice, sugar syrup, and lime juice blended together as a smoothie. How tasty? It will keep you topped up on vitamins.  Table Of Contents: Firstly, Beyond Kale Smoothie Ingredients. Secondly, Beyond Kale Smoothie Method.  Thirdly, Tuscan Potatoes with Pork Loin Steaks and Pancetta Ingredients. Fourthly, Tuscan Potatoes with Pork Loin Steaks and Pancetta Method. Beyond Kale Smoothie Paired With Tuscan Potatoes with Pork Loin Steaks and Pancetta:

Halloween Archives: Halloween Eve And Some Yummy

Halloween Archives: Halloween Eve And Some Yummy, you guessed it, Halloween recipes. Hello friends, so how are you today? Also, happy Halloween Eve. Do you have any fun parties planned for tomorrow? Are you looking for any Halloween recipes? 

Mollie And The Snow

Mollie And The Snow. So guess what!? Last week this happened: It snowed! And Mollie loved it!! She was like a kid in a sweet shop when she saw it. Running around the garden at 100 miles an hour!! Then a few days later it was gone again!! Mollie And The Snow

Cute Face

Cute Face. Above, Mollie trying to get over the car seat to sit with me. Then at home: First, it is a cute face. Then one foot up. Then another. Until eventually she is on my knee! Someone trying to get up on my new sofa!! Mollie And The Snow

How Time Flies

How Time Flies. Left when Mollie came to live with us. Right now she is one year old. Linking up with: How Time Flies

Mollie Is One Year Old, Oh How Time Flies

Mollie Is One Year Old, Oh How Time Flies. Hello friends, so how are you today? How time flies! I can not believe Mollie has turned 1 already!! But then again, it feels like we have had her for a long, long time :) Love her to pieces.

Mollie The Border Collie

Mollie The Border Collie. Mollie is so good at doing what you say now.  When you say: "Get in car" She sprints out the front door and stands outside the passenger side door. Waiting for you to open it up for her. All excited she knows she will be going to the park for a run. Trouble is when I get into the car; She gives me that look as if to say; "This is my seat!" Then she budges up and lets me in! Mollie The Border Collie.

In The Driving Seat

In The Driving Seat. Mollie thinks she's human. First, she tries to sit at the kitchen table. Now she's in the driving seat! If you are looking to vote for someone in the Mad Blog Awards in the new category?  Please consider Mollie The Border Collie? In The Driving Seat.

Me And Mollie: On The Run

Me And Mollie: On The Run. Can you imagine how hard it is getting out for a run without Mollie? Never gonna happen!! Love running with Mollie. Outfit courtesy of Asics as part of my ambassador program.  Me And Mollie: On The Run.

Mollie And Me

Mollie And Me. A nice and sunshiny day. Here are me and Mollie before our walk. Mollie And Me. Mollie And Me.

Mollie The Collie Selfie

Mollie The Collie Selfie. Mollie loves to pose for photos. When I pull my camera out or phone. She stops and waits for me to take some pictures. Such a beautiful furbaby! Mollie The Collie Selfie.