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Sandy From Grease Look: Feel Good Friday

Sandy From Grease Look: Feel Good Friday Link Up. Hello friends and welcome to The new Feel Good Friday Link Up. It is part of the Welcome To The Weekend Link Up over at my other blog but you can also link up here from today too. These are my feel-good Friday photos today as I was looking my best in these shots. They always make me smile when I look back at them.

Lemon Dress And Capturing The Perfect Photo

Lemon Dress And Capturing The Perfect Photo. Throwback Thursday. Hello friends. The weather is awful lately, isn't it? The wind is so strong I do not even want to leave the house. The bins are flying around the street and the wind is howling through the windows like a crazy person.

Working On My Goals: Motivational Monday

Working On My Goals: Motivational Monday-  Happy Monday 👋. Up early and planning my new goals 💕 “When you start to do the things that you truly love, it wouldn’t matter whether it is Monday or Friday; you would be so excited to wake up each morning to work on your passions.“ – Edmond Mbiaka.