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Layering Up: Over 40 Style

Layering Up: Over 40 Style

Layering Up: Over 40 Style. Hello Friends. Happy Friday. Any fun plans for the weekend? My Husband has the weekend off work so hopefully, we will be getting out and about somewhere fun!? I hope you are keeping nice and warm in this freezing cold weather?  It has been so cold over the last few weeks. 

What I Wore To The Zoo

What I Wore To The Zoo. Happy Monday, Friends. So how are you today?

Over the half-term school holidays, we went to visit Twycross Zoo in Atherstone.  We love to visit the zoo and Twycross Zoo is one we had never visited before.

What I Wore To The Zoo

I was so excited to see what animals would be there. I even wore my flamingo scarf as I love seeing the flamingos.

Red Hunter Wellies

Red Hunter Wellies

Red Hunter Wellies: OOTD. Happy Saturday. Hello friends, so how are you today? Love boots? How about wellies? Perfect for a Winter walk! Don’t you think? They keep out the wind, rain, and wet, what is not to love?

Favourite Colour Red: What I Wore

Favourite Colour Red

Favourite Colour Red: What I Wore. Layering up and Keeping warm and rosy. It has been so cold lately. Red is my favourite got to colour when it is cold as it is such a cheerful colour.

Snow Day: Out For Breakfast And Then Quickly Home

Snow Day: Out For Breakfast And Then Quickly Home.

Snow Day: Out For Breakfast And Then Quickly Home. A nice breakfast out and then rush back home before the snow gets deep!!
